Thursday, April 28, 2011

Android Development forecast 1st half 2011

Do you think you are worth to be the Android developer better than iApps Developer?
Several opinions make you feeling it make sense.
1. USD25 lifetime as an Google Android market developer (Apple USD99 per year)
2. Base on the graft below, the blue line shows Android development forecast whereas Apple App Store development for iPhone is shown on the top, green line. We probably can see that the development of Android is growing sharply upwards and they predict that July will overtake Apple App Store Development.

source: cnet News

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Accessing Emulator File System

In Eclipse, we are wondering where those files or mounted drive save at?
Is it any folders in Windows? Is not actually a folder, I can said is kinda virtual.

This post shows you how to enter the file system.
Is very easy actually.

Launch your emulator,
Window > Open Perspective > DDMS
or you may find an android at the top right like below

Please look for the File Explorer, all of the files and folder are located there.
If you would like to find all files that created during your testing and saved into the emulator, please find it under
data/data/your project package/files

If you want to check for the external storage or new mounted volume like sdcard, please find it under
(at least mnt/sdcard/LOST.DIR will be available if you inserted any sdcard into the project, want to know how, please go add sdcard in android emulator / setup sdcard)

Add SdCard in android emulator / Setup SDCard

For Windows + Eclipse user only,
others please refers to

To create SDCard is quite straight forward, cause you just have to follow as below.

Go to C:\[SDK dir]\android-sdk-windows\tools
mksdcard 512M mysdcard.iso

you may check with dir/w to see if the *.iso is created.

Choose either 1 way,
1. Use existing avd and mount the sdcard with command line
2. Create a new AVD

1. Use existing avd and mount the sdcard with command line
Go to your Eclipse, right click the project that you want to inject the sdcard.
Choose Run As > Run Configurations...

go to the Target tab in the middle
type in the command line with
-sdcard [dir]/mysdcard.iso
For my example, i make an extra step which is paste the created mysdcard.iso into the project like paste to C:/Users/Rickie/workspace/Helloworld/mysdcard.iso

I use this step to avoid spacing, the command line now will be -sdcard "C:\Users\Rickie\workspace\HelloWorld\mysdcard.iso"
Please let me know if you know how to avoid spacing, looks like i can't avoid it although I use "double quote"
2. Create a new AVD
Go to Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager and create new Android device.
If you don't know how to create AVD, please go Create Android Virtual Device(AVD) .
In “SD Card” option specify “File” and navigate to sdcard.iso created earlier.

When you done adding sdcard, I'm sure you want to check if the mysdcard folder already inside the FileSystem.
If you not sure how, please refers to Accessing Emulator File System.

Or you can just start the emulator, check on the setting > SD card & phone storage settings to check if the SD card is mounted.